One issue that many college students in the Destin area end up dealing with during spring break involves underage drinking and DUI charges. Not all adolescents can resist the temptation and peer pressure to drink alcohol and drive while they are out hanging with their...
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Than Personal Attention
Month: January 2018
Overcoming contempt can help to prevent divorce
A Florida couple considering divorce may be wondering how their relationship deteriorated. When one notable marriage expert looked at marriages in an attempt to determine why some last for years and others end in divorce, he identified several types of communication...
Health insurance considerations when getting divorced
When Florida couples are ending their marriages, it is important that they think about their health insurance. Medical insurance is one detail that many divorcing spouses overlook. If they do not address it, one of the parties may be left without insurance coverage...
What to remember when settling a divorce
Florida estranged couples may be able to negotiate directly with each other to settle their divorce. This may be done privately or with the help of a mediator. Prior to entering negotiations, it may be a good idea for an individual to learn more about his or her...
Digital devices, stalking and divorce
Stalking can be a serious problem for some people in Florida who get a divorce. In the age of smartphones and digital trackers, it can be even more intrusive. A Justice Department survey found that 3.3 percent of people who were divorced or separated reported...
What to do if a spouse will not sign divorce papers
There are a number of reasons why married couples divorce. Infidelity and drug abuse are common factors that play into a separation. However, many times, couples simply become incompatible. People change and can grow apart over the years, and this can lead to marriage...
The main reasons couples divorce after years of marriage
Many couples divorce after decades of marriage. Attorneys typically refer to this as gray divorce, and it occurs when spouses each over the age of 50 decide to divorce. According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 10 out of every 1,000 married persons over the...
Steps to take in divorce preparation
Certain times of the year, such as the end of summer vacation and the new year, are times when divorce rates spike. People in Florida that are considering divorce can take steps to prepare. For example, they will need to have their financial paperwork in order. This...