Your spouse may inform you that they want a divorce. You may have seen this coming if your marriage was affected by irreconcilable issues, or it may be unexpected. Either way, you need to be careful with your response. This guide highlights what to do when your spouse...
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Than Personal Attention
Month: April 2023
Family law matters and social media don’t mix
If you are navigating a divorce, a non-marital child custody case or any other “family law” matter, it is important to understand that what you say and do outside of negotiation sessions and/or court can ultimately influence the outcome of your situation. Certainly,...
What is pretrial diversion for minors who are facing alcohol charges?
Florida arguably experiences more than its fair share of alcohol offenses involving minors. For decades, the state has been a summer and spring break destination where young adults congregate to cut loose. Some of those celebrations inevitably result in law...
How can the custodial parent spend their child support?
When a couple that shares a child severs their ties, the court will most often set the terms of the child’s living arrangements through child support and custody orders. Depending on the circumstances, the court will direct the non-custodial parent to pay child...