When the court orders one parent to pay child support to the other, the hope is that things will go smoothly and they will make these monthly payments moving forward. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Some parents refuse to pay or fall behind on their...
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Destin, Florida, Legal Blog
The unique time-sharing challenge that military families can face
Divorce leads to a variety of challenging conversations and decisions. If couples share children, divorce has the potential to be far more complex. Parents have to find ways to share their parental rights and responsibilities, including time-sharing. If one of them is...
Why do teens drink alcohol when they know it’s illegal?
It’s illegal for anyone to possess or drink alcohol under the age of 21 in Florida, and most teens are well aware of this. As a parent, you certainly also understand that your teenager should not be drinking alcohol. However, teens are arrested consistently on...
When should you tell your children about the divorce?
Parents don't like to see their children hurt. It's particularly painful when the parents are the ones causing the pain. It's easy to put off telling your kids that their parents are divorcing. But waiting too long can sometimes make a bad situation worse. The where...
Can you modify custody in Florida?
Custody arrangements in Florida are referred to as “parenting plans”. These are legally binding agreements that outline parental rights and visitation times. While parenting plans are legally binding, that doesn’t mean they are set in stone. Parenting plans can be...
Tips for improving your co-parenting skills
Co-parenting can be challenging, but it is important for the well-being of your children and the health of your relationship with your ex-partner. Whether you’re newly separated or have been co-parenting for years, developing effective communication and collaboration...
Parental alienation: a silent epidemic?
Parental alienation is defined as a phenomenon that usually occurs after a divorce, in which one parent tries to undermine the relationship between the child and their other parent. This behavior usually begins subtly, and often it is not identified until significant...
Does time-sharing prevent parents from moving out of Florida?
Trying to share custody in Florida can be difficult for divorced or separated parents. They have to negotiate a time-sharing schedule that gives both of them access to the children. They also have to establish a system that allows them to share decision-making...
How to tell if a teenager is secretly using drugs
The teenage years are often challenging for both teens and their parents. As adolescents explore their independence, they may encounter peer pressure, stress or curiosity that could lead to experimenting with drugs. For parents, recognizing the signs of drug use can...
Important steps to protect your privacy during divorce
When you’re going through a divorce, you’d probably prefer to make a clean break with your spouse – but that isn’t always possible. You may not be able to immediately move out of your shared residence for any number of reasons. So, how do you set boundaries and keep...