In certain ways, a military divorce is just like a civilian divorce. You still have to go through the same courts as every other family in Florida. The same laws apply to military families as to civilian families when it comes to custody and dividing property during a...
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Firm News
Why is divorce more prevalent for military women?
It’s often said that military service takes a heavy toll on marriages. Yet statistics show the military divorce rate is not much different than the divorce rate among civilian couples. Unless you are a woman in the armed services -- female servicemembers have a...
What you need to know about spring break drinking
Ah, spring break! Time to forget the books and head to the Destin, Florida, area for a week of fun in the sun and on the beach. But if you are under 21 years of age, you would do well to think seriously before drinking alcohol in Okaloosa County. Law enforcement...
Military divorce procedure can be complicated
Recruits join the service for different reasons, but most new service members can feel dismayed at the number of military rules and regulations. They soon encounter the Uniform Code of Military Justice; these laws belong to the military and, in addition, each service...
Lack of money and compassion can lead to divorce
Arguing over household chores is a common pastime experienced by couples in Florida and everywhere else. According to research, money and communication may be the two factors that determine whether such squabbles result in a couple ending their relationship. The link...
Tips that can protect people financially during a divorce
When Florida couples get a divorce, they may want to take steps that will help protect their finances. For example, couples might want to separate their joint accounts and open individual ones. They may also want to review their credit records to make sure they are...
Be alert to the young binge-drinking-and-driving crowd
With the advent of spring break, motorists are reminded that there will be an influx of young drivers on our roads, an early warning that it will not be long until school is out for the summer. Be on the lookout for underage drivers who may have been drinking before...
Resolving child custody disputes in divorce
When Florida parents decide to divorce or end their personal relationship, one major priority is often ensuring that their relationship with their children is not a casualty of that same choice. This means that child custody issues can be among the most contentious...
How to divide a retirement account in a divorce
If a Florida couple needs to divide a 401(k) or another type of workplace pension plan as part of a divorce agreement, they will also need to get a document known as a qualified domestic relations order. A QDRO allows for a distribution in case of divorce without...
How parents can prevent underage drinking this spring break
Binge drinking during spring break runs rampant every year, and many people overlook the dangers. Approximately 1,800 students die each year as a result of binge drinking, and over 600,000 suffer injuries as a result of their actions while drunk. For parents, spring...