Some Florida couples whose marriages are on the rocks may be delaying a divorce because of concerns about health insurance. With uncertainty around its availability, people with preexisting conditions may remain married so they can ensure continued coverage. While the Affordable Care Act, which came into full effect in 2014, offered protections to people after divorce, it may be repealed or replaced. A 2012 study found that 115,000 women each year lost private health insurance after a divorce, and this may be the situation again in the future without the ACA.
Some couples are filling out divorce paperwork without filing it while others may be creating postnuptial agreements that deal with the division of property. In the past, one option was for couples to legally separate, but many companies no longer permit legally separated spouses to cover one another.
The cost of health insurance is often considered when spousal support is calculated. However, people may forget to budget for a deductible when considering health care costs post-divorce. In one version of a proposed plan to replace the ACA, deductibles could be higher than $10,000 by 2026, and this may represent a significant expense for people who are getting a divorce.
Whether or not health insurance is likely to be an issue, it is important for people to understand how their financial situation may change significantly after a divorce. A parent may have difficulty paying child support or making ends meet despite receiving both alimony and child support. Although one person may want to keep the family home, it might not be possible on a single income. An attorney can attemtp to negotiate an agreement that will take these matters into account.