Florida has long been a vacation destination. People come from all over to enjoy the amusement parks or celebrate spring break. Most people return from Florida with kitschy souvenirs, beautiful photos and special memories. Some come home with pending criminal charges in another state.
Young adults may plan trips with their friends, only to run into legal issues while on vacation. The tendency to get a bit wild on vacation can lead to problematic outcomes for visitors, especially as many popular destinations have begun cracking down on tourist misconduct. Anyone who has too much to drink can end up arrested and prosecuted for a driving under the influence (DUI) offense in Florida.
However, some people are subject to stricter rules than others. The laws about minors drinking and driving in Florida are so strict that young adults can very easily break the law without realizing they are at risk of arrest.
Why do so many minors end up facing DUI charges after a trip to Florida?
Alcohol limits are lower for teens
The law makes it illegal to drive when impaired by alcohol. It also establishes a clear limit for the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of someone driving a motor vehicle. Current rules in Florida allow police officers to arrest adults when they have a BAC of 0.08% or higher. At that level, most people experience impaired driving ability.
However, the law also permits DUI prosecution for some people with much lower BACs. Florida has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drunk driving. A BAC of just 0.02% is enough to warrant arrest and prosecution if a motorist isn’t old enough to legally drink.
Teenagers and college students in Florida can get behind the wheel while feeling perfectly safe to drive, only to end up arrested and facing DUI charges. They may need help responding to those charges. Without support, young adults might enter a guilty plea and risk a lifetime criminal record. A single mistake could impact their opportunities for higher education and employment.
Parents often need to step in to help young adults facing DUI charges. Supporting a teen accused of impairment at the wheel can help them learn a valuable lesson and avoid the worst consequences possible.