As a single or divorced parent, you likely cope with a lot of financial stress as the head of your own household. If you live paycheck to paycheck like many parents, child support can be an essential part of your monthly budget.
Your ex contributes a percentage of their income, which helps you provide for your child. You count on those payments. When your ex doesn’t send the payment on time and in full, you could fall behind on important bills and face interest or penalties.
If they don’t talk with you and make plans to pay you as soon as possible, you may need to go to the courts to ask for enforcement support.
You must allow an opportunity for repayment
Simply falling a little behind on child support won’t lead to consequences for the paying parent. Florida will not immediately engage in aggressive enforcement actions because of one missed child support payment.
However, you won’t have to wait that long to qualify for enforcement assistance. You can initiate an enforcement request 15 days after your ex falls into arrears on their support obligations. They will then have 20 days to catch up on the missed payments or face additional reinforcements efforts, which could have financial and personal consequences.
The state can intercept tax returns or gambling winnings. It can also suspend driver’s licenses, professional licenses and recreational licenses. Sometimes, the courts will even issue a bench warrant for child support non-compliance. Learning the regulations that govern child support enforcement efforts in Florida can help parents who don’t always get the financial support they require.