If you are a pet owner considering a divorce, you’ll want to know what will happen to your pet. In some cases, it is simple – one person wants a particular pet, and the other does not. But what if you both want to keep the same animal? In this case, you need to...
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Month: February 2024
What are the benefits of virtual visitation?
Technology is playing an increasing role in almost every aspect of life, and this includes family law. There are numerous apps that can be utilized to facilitate virtual visitation. Incorporating technology into a custody arrangement can benefit both parents and...
3 benefits of pursuing an uncontested Florida divorce
There are typically two approaches to divorce proceedings in Florida. People can either cooperate with their spouse via an uncontested divorce or they can take an adversarial approach and pursue a contested divorce. Contested or litigated divorces require that people...
Does Florida have recreational marijuana?
Every year, more states are adding recreational marijuana laws. These laws largely started out west, in places like Washington, California and Colorado. But they moved across the country and you can now find recreational marijuana in Illinois, Michigan and many states...