If a Florida couple needs to divide a 401(k) or another type of workplace pension plan as part of a divorce agreement, they will also need to get a document known as a qualified domestic relations order. A QDRO allows for a distribution in case of divorce without...
You Deserve Nothing Less
Than Personal Attention
Year: 2018
How fathers may get custody of their children
Some fathers in Florida who are going through a divorce might wonder whether they can get full physical custody of their children. Traditionally, courts have awarded custody to mothers. Furthermore, there is some stigma attached to divorced fathers as deadbeat dads or...
How parents can prevent underage drinking this spring break
Binge drinking during spring break runs rampant every year, and many people overlook the dangers. Approximately 1,800 students die each year as a result of binge drinking, and over 600,000 suffer injuries as a result of their actions while drunk. For parents, spring...
Financial issues of later-in-life divorce
Over the past 25 years, the divorce rate for people over the age of 50 in Florida and across the country has more than doubled, and studies indicate that this number is continuing to rise. When people consider a divorce later in life, they face all the same challenges...
Some misconceptions about shared parenting
When Florida parents get a divorce, they might want to consider shared parenting as an option. Research indicates that in most cases, children do better in joint custody situations. However, there are a few misconceptions that are not backed up by research that might...
Revenge is an unhealthy focus in divorce
Florida couples headed for divorce court may be tempted to use litigation as a vehicle to punish their former spouse. The quest for revenge can make even an uncomplicated divorce cost many thousands of dollars. Acrimony surrounding a marital breakup may make vengeance...
Tax changes that affect a divorce
Florida couples who end their marriages will face several tax issues. One of the main changes is that they will need to start filing separately instead of having a choice of married filing separately or jointly. This is the case if the divorce was finalized by the...
The consequences of underage drinking during spring break
One issue that many college students in the Destin area end up dealing with during spring break involves underage drinking and DUI charges. Not all adolescents can resist the temptation and peer pressure to drink alcohol and drive while they are out hanging with their...
Overcoming contempt can help to prevent divorce
A Florida couple considering divorce may be wondering how their relationship deteriorated. When one notable marriage expert looked at marriages in an attempt to determine why some last for years and others end in divorce, he identified several types of communication...
Health insurance considerations when getting divorced
When Florida couples are ending their marriages, it is important that they think about their health insurance. Medical insurance is one detail that many divorcing spouses overlook. If they do not address it, one of the parties may be left without insurance coverage...