One of the most serious downsides of life as a service member is having to leave your children behind when you’re going on a deployment. While you understand that it’s just part of the job, the kids might suffer because of your absence. The effects of your deployment...
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Military Family Law
Service members’ health concerns after they return from deployment can result in divorce
According to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), service members' divorce rates have hovered around 4% since 1996. This rate is similar to that for civilians. An investigative report published by InsideSources (IS) suggests that this index seems abnormally lower...
Your military service may impact your custody plan
As a military parent who is getting divorced, you need to think about how your service may impact your custody arrangement with your ex. You are in a unique position and there is a lot to consider. This does not mean you can’t seek custody or that you won’t see your...
What does the 20/20/20 rule do for military benefits in divorce?
Military divorces are much like civilian divorces in most ways. They go through the Florida civilian family courts and are subject to state laws just like any other dissolution of marriage. However, those in the military as well as those getting divorced from military...
Virtual visitation rights in a military divorce
Divorce is hard on any kid, but a military divorce may be even harder on a child. When parents split up, the civilian spouse may well move off base and enter a different life with the children. Thus there are two significant changes to the child’s life: They no longer...
Tips from veterans of military marriages
A recent survey looked at the common factors in military marriages that last. With so many ending in divorce, the researcher wanted to discover why some stayed the distance. It was based on civilian women married to military men. It did not consider any other form of...
What happens to health benefits in a military divorce?
Every couple’s divorce situation is as unique as their relationship, and some are more difficult to navigate than others. Some spouses find that separating their assets, lives and benefits is not as easy as it was to combine them. With so much at stake, it is...
Military divorce procedure can be complicated
Recruits join the service for different reasons, but most new service members can feel dismayed at the number of military rules and regulations. They soon encounter the Uniform Code of Military Justice; these laws belong to the military and, in addition, each service...
Child custody issues before the divorce
Florida parents who are getting a divorce might be faced with the issue of temporary custody for their children. In the earliest stages, with no legal solution in place, custodial rights are equal, but it is best for children and parents if some guidelines are put in...
The effects of the BRS on military divorces
Military service members in Florida and their loved ones should be aware that the Blended Retirement System becomes effective on the first day of 2018. As a result, significant changes will take place for military retirements. These changes could have a substantial...